Friday, June 17, 2016

Short Japanese anime

These anime I introduce is for children. But if you want to learn Japanese language, I really suggest them because it is very easy Japanese and very slow conversation. You can enjoy these anime in spite of Japanese skill. Let's go!

 Jam the HOUSNAIL 

This is snails story. Housnail is portmanteau word, House Snail.
There are easy characters. 

This is 11th story. 

This is the ending of Housnail. 


Story among Ojaru-maru and his friends.
Ojaru-maru is an ancient person. If you like Kimono Shaku and so forth, you like it

This is it.

This is opening song. You feel Japanse atmosphere!!

忍たま(Nintama)-Ninja anime

 People who like ninja will love it!! 
Plus, including Japanese subtitle and Chinese subtitle.

Very fun!!


Thank you very much for watching these anime!!
I hope that you enjoy!!